Following the philosophy of

“Never stop learning”


Many, probably know me as a photographer due to my artistic status. Some think being a photographer is pretty easy and they are absolutely right. The process of photography is a sequence of techniques that if taught correctly, they can be easily reproduced by anyone.The hard part however, is not to photograph someone. The hard part is managing the feelings of those directly involved in this event.

You see, as a wedding photographer my job was not only to photo shoot a wedding, but also to create a sense of safety for my couple, to manage my bride’s stress, to coordinate and calm relatives in panic mode, to build trust with children, to show the necessary confidence that “everything will be ok” regardless of situations and possible difficulties, and especially to maintain the calmness that is absolutely necessary for such a day.Therefore, knowing that it’s easy to do a photo shoot if you know the appropriate techniques, in order for me to deal with all the difficulties, I had to learn how to handle all of the above situations with the same ease.

I read books from a very young age. You could say that it is my real hobby. And of course I read a lot about my job and the things that I want to achieve. By wanting to provide as much help as I can to the people I cooperate, one of the books I was reading at the time was The Happiness Habit by Brian Colbert. The fact that I really liked the way this author thought and all the techniques he was using, made me wanna learn more.

At 2017 I learned that he would be in Cyprus for a training based on his book so I decided to travel there, participate, meet him and ask for his guidance. The rest is history. Over the next 2 years I decided to follow my passion and get the proper training in order to become a Mind Coach in Dublin, Ireland and to learn all the necessary techniques that I needed. By using NLP™ as a main tool, I was trained and certified at the Irish Institute of NLP™ as a Licensed Practitioner of NLP™ and as a Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP™ certified by the co-founder of NLP™ Dr Richard Bandler and I became an active member of The Society of NLP™. But my need to become the best that I could, led me to the decision to take it to the next level and become a Trainer of NLP™. So at 2018 I travelled to Orlando, USA where I was trained and certified by Dr Richard Bandler as a Licensed Trainer of NLP™, a title that very few Greeks were able to obtain by himself. Finally at the end of 2018 I completed my trainings in Ireland and got my Diploma in Mind Coaching.

Today as a result of all of the above, I provide the services of a “Personal development consultant”, by having two separate but deeply connected qualifications, one of an Accredited Mind Coach and one of a Licensed Trainer of NLP™ which gives me a more comprehensive point of view regarding the help that I can offer to the people who decide to work with me. Therefore I am following a new path along with my previous one. A path where “you never stop learning …”. And the more you learn, the more you can provide.

Vasilis Maneas


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